eresource ERP is India's leading web-based ERP software solution provider. We offer ERP solution for different industries like Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, Fleet Management, Trading etc.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Demand grows for ERP solution
Improved customer service, efficient distribution system, and reduced operation expenses are some of the other important business imperatives that are driving top management to implement ERP solutions. Majority of CEOs/Senior managers share the same view that ERP is an important tool to achieve competitive advantage.
Following are some of the major factors of ERP popularity.
ERP enables improved business performance through cycle time reduction. Cycle time is the time available at each station for the performance of the work allocated or the time elapsing between completed units coming of an assembly line. It also helps in increased business agility, inventory reduction and order fulfillment improvement.
ERP supports business growth requirements through new products/product lines, new customers, global requirements including multiple languages and currencies.
ERP provides flexible, integrated, real-time decision support in improving responsiveness across the organization.
ERP eliminates the limitations of the legacy system such as fragmentation of data and process, inflexibility to change and insupportable technologies.
ERP takes advantage of the untapped mid-market (medium size organizations) through increased functionality at a reasonable cost.
These are some of the reasons for the explosive growth rate of the ERP market. As more and more companies are entering into the market, the ERP solutions providers are facing a competitive market which brings out the best in them.
Initially the huge cost involved in the implementation of ERP solution has kept many medium scale industries away from it. However, with the introduction of affordable ERP solutions like eresource ERP, which is basically intended to serve the small and big layers in the field alike, is bringing good benefit for Indian SMEs. This also contributed to the growth of ERP demand in the Indian market.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
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scalable flexible ERP solution
Quick return on investment and low-cost of ownership
FOR any organization, success depends on having the ability to keep pace with rapidly changing customer and industry demands and execute in a short amount of time, the ability to quickly seize new opportunities and the flexibility to achieve sustainable business growth.
Today small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) are facing greater competition than ever across diverse industries. With the increasing power of large rivals in some segments and the pricing pressure and they have a critical need to optimize business processes, cut operational costs and improve customer acquisition and retention rates.
With the complexity and global reach of today's business environment, SMEs are also under increased pressure to monitor business processes and financial operations more closely. Stricter accounting and corporate governance requirements intensify this challenge thus, placing growing pressure on businesses of all sizes for greater transparency, timeliness and accuracy in reporting and managerial control.
Small and mid-size enterprises are recognizing integrated business management solutions as essential for growth, scalability and keeping up with competitors as the solutions become more affordable, easy-to-implement and adept at addressing industry-specific business processes.
While choosing their software solutions, SMEs must balance their long-term needs for innovative solutions to drive the next level of growth with their existing resources and short-term trends for quick return on investment, low-cost of ownership and minimum disruption to current operations. Many SEMs must also ensure integration into their corporate and partner/supplier ecosystems, often requiring the complete replacement of legacy systems.
eresource ERP with its expertise in providing vertical and micro-vertical solutions has nearly half of its software implemented in the SME sector. Monitored through a highly qualified implementation team, eresource ERP solution is affordable, easy-to-deploy and proven business solutions to better meet the needs of customers across diverse industries.
The integrated and cost-effective eresource ERP solution allows small and mid-size companies to maintain, a low total cost of ownership and the scalability and the flexibility to support current and future business needs.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, Web site:
ERP and accounting software
ERP system is a fully integrated business management system covering functional areas of an enterprise like Finance, Human Resources, Production, Sales and Logistics etc. It organizes and integrates operation processes and information flows to make optimum use of resources such as men, material, money and machine. ERP is a tightly integrated closed loop business solution package.
ERP system enhances a manufacturer ability to accurately schedule production, fully utilize capacity, reduce inventory, and meet promised shipping dates.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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ERP will not create unemployment
Often these are the real benefits of ERP. If an organization is not imaginative enough to empower people to perform such analysis, obviously ERP can be discredited with creating unemployment.
Take a look at the Indian Railway's Computerized Reservation System. With the networked computer terminals, one can manage the issuing of the tickets with fewer staff. However, there are more reservation staff today than ten years back. The average counter hours across the country have increased from 6 hours a day to 12 hours per day. Now a person can make reservations from any place to any place from any one of the terminals, significantly improving service quality.
In a way Railway Reservation System may have taken away a few jobs involving certain categories but created many more jobs. In all such cases looking at the head count may be an incorrect way to approach the problem. The goal must be to provide better quality service and better quality of jobs.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775,Web site:
Sales and Distribution module ERP
TO keep pace with rapid changes in the business world, companies need an integrated and flexible enterprise system that supports all aspects of their business with state-of-the-art functionality. ( This innovative solution should upgrade effortlessly and interface easily with third-party applications as well as have the ability to incorporate existing systems while extending its reach to the Internet and e-commerce.
In today's competitive business environment, companies are increasingly being forced to streamline business processes. In a world where it is no longer enough to simply have the best product, companies are focusing on core competencies and closer partnerships over the whole supply chain.
Here, increased efficiency in sales and distribution is a key factor to ensure that companies retain a competitive edge and improve both profit margins and customer service. In helping business to 'beat them on delivery', the Sales and Distribution module of eresource ERP systems offers a comprehensive set of best-of-bred component for both order and logistics management.
Eresource ERP system is tightly integrated with the Sales and Distribution module. This integration enables the mapping and supply of single-site or multi-site organizations. Developing precise logistics planning for just-in-time deliveries, this system can also generate replenishment orders by using defined warehouse requirements.
The following are the sales related business transactions:
Sales queries, such as inquiries and quotations
Sales orders
Outline agreements, such as contracts and scheduling agreements
After sales support
During sales order-processing the following basic functions are carried out:
Inquiry handling
Quotation preparation and processing
Contracts and contact management (order management)
Monitoring the sales transaction
Checking for availability
Transferring requirements to materials planning (MRP)
Scheduling the delivery
Calculating pricing and taxes
Checking credit limits
Creating printed or electronically transmitted documents
Depending on how your particular system is configured, these functions may be completely automated. The data that results from these basic functions is stored in the system where it can be displayed. Eresource ERP 's Sales and Distribution module very actively interacts with the material management and financial accounting module for delivery and billing.
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TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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ERP Consultancy
The consultancy of ERP is rendered in 5 broad areas.
Selection of vendor (Including mapping of business process functionality with the Vendor software and Risk Analysis)
Pre implementation approach
Operational audit
Post Implementation Audit and control
Measuring range compatibility and ROI.
Eresource has a proven method and specialization in rendering ERP consultancy for following Industries
Manufacturing (Engineering)
Kitchen Manufacturing and Distribution
Fleet Management
Chemical ERP
Automotive ERP
ERP for Process Industry
Eresource provides total ERP solutions and consultancy to the customer under one single roof, a one-stop enterprise shop.
Perfect combination of functional, technical, project management and systems experience, eresource certified professionals, expertise in Manufacturing (Engineering), Kitchen, Fleet Management and Pharmaceutical domain are some of the unique skills of the ERP Consultants at eresource Infotech.
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TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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ERP software is not a magic wand
THE purpose of ERP technology is to support the business processes that support the company's trategic opportunities.There are some basic tenets of ERP that should guide management's actions and decisions.
There is no magic in ERP software. ERP's benefits are a direct result of effective preparation and implementation, and appropriate use. This seems obvious, but most of the organizations don't get it right the first time around. Expecting a quick fix, silver-bullet solution is a dangerous mindset.
Another matter is no amount of advanced information technology can offset the problem of a flawed business strategy and poorly performing business processes. This area, in particular, is something that ERP software implementers may not fully address because it can slow system deployment.
The companies must define a business strategy that will give them a competitive advantage or, at the very least, make them competitively equal. Then, analyze your current business processes and develop objectives. Once this step is done, the following steps for preparation, ERP software selection and implementation can support the strategic and process objectives better.
Acquire flexible ERP information technology that can accommodate rapidly changing business conditions. The high-velocity flow of information needed to support action up and down the supply chain is a major step forward for most manufacturers. It will be mandatory in the future just to compete, much less stay ahead of, the competition.
You must have the implementation led by a senior executive who has the authority to make changes happen and happen quickly. Make sure there is a sense of urgency and true accountability for completing preparation and implementation activities on time. Moving away from functional silos and creating effective cross-functional processes that are truly integrated via an ERP system is not an easy task. When ERP is not fully integrated into day-to-day business operations, however, it is not likely to be very beneficial.
If enterprise integration or more advanced supply chain management strategies are to have any chance of complete success it will be due, to a large extent, to the removal of traditional cross-functional barriers. These silos comprise the organizational boundaries where information flow and often cooperation, stop. You must ask, "How will we use the ERP system?" Some not-so-obvious issues will surface as you try to answer that question.
For example, will you combine demand-based flow and lean manufacturing techniques, which will negate the need for some traditional ERP functionality? Focus on your business strategy and not just software selection and implementation. Many problems are reinforced by contradictory objectives and performance measures that actually create inconsistent value and belief systems, to the company's detriment. No amount of information technology will correct these problems. Management must aggressively remove them once and for all through business process redesign.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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HR module in ERP can accelerate business growth
UNTIL recently the people involved in human resource work were usually called personnel managers.Their duties normally centered on staffing activities such as hiring, keeping employment records, attending to minor medical benefit problems and organizing company teams and outings.
Since then, dramatic changes have occurred in our society and in the make-up of the workforce. No longer can companies afford to look at people as commodity to be exploited to exhaustion and then discarded. In today's organizations employees are viewed as human resources that need to be carefully nurtured, accommodated and developed.
Human resources management is an essential factor of any successful business. The competitive environment of the next millennium, with its economic and technological challenges, will affect your HR department like all other areas of your enterprises. In short, HR managers must continually review and optimize their business process.
The HR modules of eresource ERP system have a set of rich features and will integrate seamlessly with the other modules and are thus, invaluable aids in improving productivity. They offer company-wide solutions for HR departments and make it possible for other departments to access specific employee data.
A human resource management system has to be adaptable to company specific requirements as well as to constantly growing HR requirements. It should cover all the functions required in business practices and be flexible enough to allow you to optimize your business processes by tailoring the ERP solution to suit your organization's needs. Today, businesses cross boundaries and spread across different part of the globe. The system should support the organization's international needs with country specific versions of the HR components.
Currencies, legal requirements and accounting systems often vary from country to country as well, making this a vital feature. A flexible structure enables quick and easy customization on the system to suit your requirements. When you log-on from any part of this world, you must have access to the system's complete functionality.
Here are some of the most common sub-systems available in eresource ERP's HR module. The list is to give an idea about some options available. (The list is not comprehensive).
Personal management (HR master-data, personnel administration, information systems, recruitment, travel management, benefits administration, salary administration)
Organizational management (organizational structure, staffing schedules, job descriptions, planning scenarios, personnel cost planning)
Payroll accounting (gross/net accounting, history function, multi-currency capability, international solutions)
Time management (shift planning, work schedules, time recording, absence determination)
Personal development (career and succession planning, profile comparisons, qualifications assessment, additional training determination, training and event management)
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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Midsize companies and ERP
IN this age of mergers and acquisitions, many organizations which were once small companies, and now, ( as midmarket organizations, need to consolidate various software systems and standardize business processes.
Currently, most of the ERP action is happening in the midmarket. More and more midsize companies - which are rather broadly defined as organizations are looking to replace outdated ERP systems or jump into the technology for the first time.
Most companies in this space are coping with increasingly complex operating environments, aging technology - including outmoded ERP systems - proliferating business-management software and, of course, the need to grow revenue.
Midsize companies also face challenges specific to their industries. Businesses that make consumer product goods are concerned about regulations and reporting requirements, while public-sector organizations are worried about maintaining customer loyalty. Also, manufacturers are concerned about the commoditization of their products. A robust ERP package can help address these issues, as well.
As per a survey conducted last year, which surveyed more than 500 organizations from a variety of industries, it was found that very few midsize companies - just 6 percent - don't already have an ERP or MRP (Material Requirements Planning, the precursor to ERP) implementation. For those businesses, the reasons to take a leap into ERP, which is largely considered necessary infrastructure for midsize companies, are many and compelling.
It was found that many ERP implementations in the midmarket are quite mature and ripe for replacement. Most of today's midmarket organizations had ERP systems older than 10 years old. ERP technology has evolved significantly in the years since these systems were deployed, so many of these organizations have developed their own applications to make up for inadequacies.
Many midmarket companies must now also choose an ERP system on which to standardize after multiple systems were installed, perhaps through mergers, across the enterprise.
It has been noticed that many midsize companies had two or more ERP packages, and some have implemented three or more ERP systems. Although it's not necessary, midsize companies seem to prefer consolidating their business-management applications in one ERP package, at least in part to cut down on integration headaches.
With the advent of Eresource ERP system, midsize organizations in India were able to find a suitable ERP solution to match their needs.
eresource ERP's major strength lies in the manufacturing modules that provide multiple benefits for small and midsize organizations. eresource ERP helps the organizations control their day-to-day business. Needless to say, once implemented, eresource ERP will be the heart of your business, wheels of your distribution channel and the brain of your planning activities.
Other added feature about eresource ERP system is its on-time guaranteed implementation programme. Eresource offers a full refund for any implementation fees where the agreed-upon ERP go live date is delayed, provided the customer meets all defined milestone deliverables on time.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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Demand grows for ERP solution
Improved customer service, efficient distribution system, and reduced operation expenses are some of the other important business imperatives that are driving top management to implement ERP solutions. Majority of CEOs/Senior managers share the same view that ERP is an important tool to achieve competitive advantage.
Following are some of the major factors of ERP popularity.
ERP enables improved business performance through cycle time reduction. Cycle time is the time available at each station for the performance of the work allocated or the time elapsing between completed units coming of an assembly line. It also helps in increased business agility, inventory reduction and order fulfillment improvement.
ERP supports business growth requirements through new products/product lines, new customers, global requirements including multiple languages and currencies.
ERP provides flexible, integrated, real-time decision support in improving responsiveness across the organization.
ERP eliminates the limitations of the legacy system such as fragmentation of data and process, inflexibility to change and insupportable technologies.
ERP takes advantage of the untapped mid-market (medium size organizations) through increased functionality at a reasonable cost.
These are some of the reasons for the explosive growth rate of the ERP market. As more and more companies are entering into the market, the ERP solutions providers are facing a competitive market which brings out the best in them.
Initially the huge cost involved in the implementation of ERP solution has kept many medium scale industries away from it. However, with the introduction of affordable ERP solutions like eresource ERP, which is basically intended to serve the small and big layers in the field alike, is bringing good benefit for Indian SMEs. This also contributed to the growth of ERP demand in the Indian market.
For more information kindly visit:
OR Please Contact us at:
TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604,
Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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Construction industry to benefit a lot from ERP
For example, one of the major construction companies in India was also facing the same challenge. For this company, at any given time there would be at least 50-60 construction projects running concurrently. The departments were maintaining the data in different files using different Excel charts. The accounts department was maintaining a separate software package but materials and purchase was not linked to these. Moreover, much of this data was lying in site offices, which was not connected to the head office.
Whenever there was an enquiry, each department would have to pull out the information and consolidate it for the report. The entire process of collecting and collating information from various departments was being done manually. This not only slowed down the decision-making process but also create power centers within the company. This made it very difficult to do real-time cost estimation of different projects.
eresource implemented an effective ERP system within a short period after the company approached with the demand for a suitable ERP solution which would connect all functions and projects to a centrally maintained database system.
In the first phase eresource implemented several modules such as financial, material management, marketing, project planning and control and so on. The solution was customized to meet the needs of a large construction company. For instance there is a module on the bill of quality that helps in project cost estimation, by breaking down each project into activities. Each activity is then broken down into till of materials of material, labour and equipment. Another module helps in material requirement planning on the basis of the work projection of a particular month/week.
The marketing module enables the company to send information to all its customers from its database whenever they launched a new project. The module also helped the company track all the pre-sale and sale activity, right from the time a customer posts a query to the closure of the sale. The module helps to take care of the company's all marketing. It has made the planning and forecasting of demand extremely easy. It also creates ripple effects in the company where all departments like purchase, materials and stores now get aligned with the forecasts.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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Saturday, April 10, 2010
Individual modules of ERP
Keeping in mind the requirements of customers, eresource has recently introduced a novel system by providing the client only the modules what they required. This new package allows the customer to choose an ERP system with modules required for them. By purchasing this filtered ERP modules organizations will able to implement an ERP system within their limited budget and their employees can enjoy working in a comfortable environment of an ERP system.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, Web site:
An ERP solution to suit your needs and budget
To survive, thrive and beat the competition in today's competitive business world one has to manage the future Managing the future means managing information.
In order to manage information, deliver high-quality information to the decision-makers at the right time and to automate the process of data collection, collation and refinement, organizations have to make information technology an ally and should harness its full potential and use it in the best way possible.
This is the reason why almost all organizations are turning to some sort of ERP package as a solution to their information management problems. ERP packages if chosen correctly, implemented judiciously and used efficiency will raise the productivity and profits or companies dramatically. But many companies fail in this because of wrong product, incompetent and haphazard implementation and inefficiency or ineffective usage.
To work successfully ERP solutions need a lot of factors to click. There should be good people who know the business, the solution providers should be good and their package should be the one best suited for the company's needs, the implementation should be planned well and executed perfectly and the end-user training should be done so that the people understand the system and the effect of their efforts on the overall success of the program.
eresource ERP LIGHT
eresource ERP LIGHT is an ideal ERP Solution for small and medium ernterprises.
Take advantage of working in a cool business environment of an ERP Solution with eresourceERP LIGHT.
The package includes the following modules and features
Number of users 10
Number of locations 1
Number of companies 1
Implementation Free of cost
Customization N/A
• Sales and Order Management & CRM
• Purchase and Supplier Management
• Web Based Architecture and UI
• Finance Resource Management
• Inventory and Material Management
Software Upgrades
• Access to Automate Upgrade Tool
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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SMB consider implementing ERP system
It is the administrative and operational requirements, not the size of the company that determines if an ERP solution is required or not. Even small companies require most of the same basic ERP functions needed by larger companies.
eresource's cost-effective, web-based ERP solution, combined with eresource's flexible and affordable pricing structures, provides SMBs with a technology solution having all of the functionality and benefits of a "big company" ERP system - but with minimal investment and risk.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):,
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Reasons for ERP system failure
This leads to costly program modifications to replicate those processes. This, in turn, can result in unnecessary manual tasks and issues of software maintenance, which neutralize the original benefits of the software.
When making an ERP software selection, examine the processes encoded in the software. If you can agree to model your company's best practices based on those processes, you're choosing the right solution. If you can't, continue looking.
Once the ERP system is chosen, it's not uncommon for management to turn the project over to a subordinate to manage the implementation. The problem is that the subordinate, who is usually chosen from the end-user base or IT department, typically isn't given the authority to implement necessary business process changes.
Project management is a discipline, which requires the ability to delve into detail while keeping a perspective on the original business objectives. The project manager needs to have the ability to overcome impasses through a judicious combination of political guile and management direction.
The most successful ERP projects are led by a member of the management team who has actively participated in both the software selection and implementation efforts. When selecting your project manager, choose the one who has the most to gain from the ERP system.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):,
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Flexible reporting and analysis
By allowing flexible reporting and analysis, a business intelligence system can unlock the value of the data in ERP reports. The information in the ERP daily orders report, for example, can provide information that will help in better decision-making and can be of use to the decision-makers in more than one department.
Which product shipments are not in schedule?
What products are selling best? Which are the ones that are not moving?
Which customers are most profitable?
Which customers are placing repeat orders?
Which customers have made purchases to get the maximum discount?
Did any customers purchase a product that requires another product?
Business intelligence system provide on-line analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining tools that managers can use from the desktops to answer the types of questions above and to discover significant trends and patterns. For example, analysts can drill-down to obtain progressively more detailed information about retain sales, change metrics, view graphs and charts, re-use reports, create 'what if' analysis and generate best-case and worst-case scenarios. Valuable in its own right, ERP information becomes even more valuable when it is combined with information from other sources.
For more information kindly visit:
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234,website :
In house developed erp risk facor
We must understand that development of ERP is not like other software development projects, which are normally carried out focusing on automation. We find such serious mistakes being committed by some big and small companies in India. The EDP department in most of the cases is responsible for such in-house development work. Though they do consult with outside consultants, the basic theme of ERP is completely found missing in these types of products.
Looking at the efforts and approaches, it is very difficult to believe that the EDP department will come up with such international standard ERP product. Though we do not rule out the possibility of someone must have succeeded it in up to some extent, but it's not advisable to do. The reason being that is, we should leverage when we have strengths and, instead of building up a new strengths, co-opt a partner for the missing strength.
Today, when quality ERP products are well within the reach of most of the companies, one should not opt for costly in-house development. This ERP is not at all ERP except integration. The essence of ERP is the free BRP, which is absolutely not happening with these products. If we describe this in-house development correctly, then we can say that such approach is typically observed in software development company where only the 'specification gathering and automation' takes place.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):
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Fastest ERP implementation
Fastest Indian ERP implement.We would like say on record that our implementation process is fastest in the world today. Our on-time implementation guarantees 100 percent go-live in just three months. We offer the services of experienced consulting and technical support teams, extensive implementation documentation, planning guides, customization services, and comprehensive training classes available on-line and on-site.
eresource offers webinar to new customers, which designed to give them a solid foundation for their implementation. It also gives an insight into the functionalities and implementation process of eresource ERP.
Eresource Infotech promises ON-TIME implementation of ERP. Our "Go Live On Time" program guarantees the customers on-time implementation of integrated ERP system at affordable cost.
Eresource offers a full refund for any implementation fees where the agreed-upon ERP go live date is delayed, provided the customer meets all defined milestone deliverables on time. Eresource is the only ERP solution provider that has earned extremely high marks from their existing all customers for its customer support.
The Go Live On Time is a simple demonstration of deliverable confidence in eresource.
Eresource eliminated the monitory risk by assuring that the ERP implementation will on time and at the price quoted, but this is provided the customer meets all their obligations and responsibilities. Eresource makes ERP economically viable.
For more information kindly visit:
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, Web site:
Customization of ERP software
Whenever the processes represented in the ERP software differ significantly from the processes used by the firm one has two options. First is to build the organizational process into the ERP software through customization. The second one is to change the practice followed by the firm to suit the process native to the ERP software.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234/+91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):,
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Friday, April 9, 2010
Complete ERP Package
Increases quality and visibility of the information
eresource ERP solution is an ERP software application built with 100% Microsoft technology helps mid-market manufacturing businesses achieve increase productivity, lower costs and happier customer. eresource is pioneering Microsoft.NET technology to create the next generation of enterprise software.
By organizing information and automating business processes across the entire enterpirse, eresource ERP builds flexibility and control into every facet of your business environment and increases the quality and visibility of the information you need to make more profitable decisions.
eresource ERP addresses the following business needs.
Enterprise resource planning (ERP):
Complete integration of planning, materials management and procurement, manufacturing and financial business processes reduces costs and improves productivity, quality and control within your operation.
Supplier collaboration:
Two-way information exchange and collaboration with supplier improves procurement execution and reduces material costs without reducing manufacturing responsiveness and flexibility.
Customer relationship management (CRM):
Automation and integration of sales marketing, support and e-commerce helps you win sales and improve customer satisfaction, increasing customer responsiveness and loyalty.
Web-based application and adoption of Microsoft's .NET technology enables you to access information, sell product, run business processes and connect with customers and partners anytime, anywhere via the Internet.
Extended enterprise:
eresource ERP is designed to support businesses that operate at a single location or with multiple plants.
Business intelligence:
Business intelligence (BI) tools provide complete visibility into your system's critical business data, allowing you to make faster, better informed and progressive company decisions.
Technology infrastructure:
Microsoft based solution facilitates a smooth, quick implementation and simplified system administration, customization and integration of your business system, while also providing a stable, scalable technology infrastructure.
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ERP is the answer for SMB
ERP provides integrated business applications that cover all core and supporting processes designed to enhance business performance for small and medium-sized businesses. eresource ERP is differentiated by its focus on integrated industry-specific functionality and commitment to open standards, which enables greater flexibility and lower cost of ownership.
The major modules of the eresource ERP systems are Manufacturing, Planning and Control, Sales and Distribution, Inventory management, Financial management, Purchase management, Supply Chain Management and Total Quality Management.
ERP modules prove companies the means with which to connect, configure and customize the ERP system in a simple and straightforward manner. This ERP suite permits the customization of role-based portals and user interaction, application-to-application integration and business-to-business communication, thereby ensuring that customers' enterprise needs for business process modeling are fully supported.
ERP Sales and Distribution module is a complete suite of applications designed specifically to give medium-sized enterprises complete management of their customers, with the specific goal of maximizing both their revenues and margins. It is designed for companies that are typically fast moving and competitive, whose success depends on differentiated service levels and value-added services.
Tool for strategic decision-making and operational control
ERP plant maintenance management module is a best-of-breed maintenance solution that provides set data management, preventive maintenance, work order control, diagnostics management and statistical analysis which can significantly enhance the management of operational assets.
ERP finance module is designed for customers who want to capture, analyze and manage all financial information related to their companies' operations. It has specific appeal to the needs of product-centric, international, distributed organizations that require advanced, integrated functionality and that want to minimize administrative overheads.
Purchase Management module in eresource ERP streamlines procurement of required raw materials, packaging material, sub assembly and other non-inventory materials. It automates the processes of identifying potential suppliers, Supplier Evaluation, Supplier Quote Evaluation, awarding purchase order to the supplier, and billing processes. Purchase module is tightly integrated with the inventory control and production planning modules.
Manufacturing, Planning and Control Module in eresource ERP optimizes the utilization of manufacturing capacity, parts, components and material resources using historical production data and sales forecasting. Planning right from sales until production will be available to the Management on a click of a button. The Planning module comprises of Forecasting based on Weighted Average, Multi Level Production Planning, Inventory and Material Planning, Capacity Planning, etc.
ERP Supply Chain Management is designed to increase visibility and improve material flow through the supply chain by managing planning, scheduling, procurement and fulfillment for optimum service levels and maximum profitability. Eresource ERP Supply Chain copes as easily with the configuration of increasingly complex supply chains as it does with high volumes of simple transactions, using flexible tools to help with strategic decision-making and operational control.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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ERP system and reduction of lead time
Plays a significant role in purchasing and inventory control
THE non-availability of an item that is required for production can result in several problems like missing delivery schedule,losing customer goodwill due to the delayed delivery or even losing the customer to competition. One can avoid the situation by requesting for the materials well in advance of when they are actually needed or by keeping a large buffer stock or maintaining a very high re-order level.
But all this means that large inventories must be kept, which is money blocked. Also the practical consequences of allowing longer times for delivery seems to be that the present lead-times just grow to take up whatever slack is allowed. So, the company should find out the minimum lead-time and should attempt to context supplier's delivery delays instead of automatically increasing allowed lead-time.
The elapsed time between placing an order and receiving it is known as the lead-time. It plays a significant role in purchasing and inventory control.
So, in order to reduce the lead-timers the organization should have an efficient inventory management system, which is integrated with the purchasing production planning and production departments. In this era of just-in-time manufacturing the knowledge of the exact lead-timers for each and every item is of paramount important for uninterrupted production. For a company dealing with hundreds and thousands of raw materials and components, keeping track of the lead-times for each and every individual item manually is a practically impossible task.
eresource ERP system helps in automating this task and thus makes inventory management more efficient and effective. Since eresource ERP system is integrated and the materials management module is integrated with other modules like sales, marketing, purchasing, manufacturing and production planning, the demand for a particular item can be known as early as an order is received. Since all the records are kept in the system's database and since everything is up-to-date, finding out the items that are to be ordered takes no time.
So once the items that are to be manufactured are identified and once the production planning system prepares a production plan, the materials management module will prepare purchase orders for each and every item making into account the led-timers and when the items are required for production. If the purchasing process has to go through the invitation of quotations, vendor selection etc. the system does that also.
Since most suppliers are also connected to the organization's system, as soon as a purchase order or requisition is issued, the supplier's system is updated with that information. Thus, the supplier knows what items are to be supplied, and when. Since activities like preparation of contracts, issuing of purchasing orders and payments, etc. happen through the system electronically, the savings in time are phenomenal.
So eresource ERP system by virtue of their integrated nature and use of latest technologies reduce the lead times and make it possible for companies to have the items at the time they are needed.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775,Web site:
Suitable ERP for infrastructure and construction companies
INFRASTRUCTURE and construction companies are known for having a large site network. Today's rapid business environment demands these companies to have on-line information on daily work progress. It is required for better planning and effective payment system.
eresource ERP is integrated with suitable modules that helps the management to get data from the sites on a daily basis. There is no need of expensive hardware installations. What you need at the site is only a PC and Internet connection and your work is done.
eresource ERP has a number of implementations in the construction and infrastructure field in its credit. It makes us happy when he hears our customers say they were able to recover the investment that they have made in our ERP solution within a year.
The first and most important benefit of eresource ERP solution is that information has now become completely transparent and seamless. There is no scope for malpractices or hoarding information. With a smooth information flow, decision-making has also become much quicker. Processes like purchasing materials have been automated and have been immense benefit from the solution.
Here are some of the key benefits of eresource ERP for construction and infrastructure.
All offices, branches with its department and site offices are now connected on a single platform
Free flow of Information between departments
Effective fund management
Overview of the projects and instant availability of data and reports
With the implementation of web-based eresource ERP you also take your business online. Your company will link all the modules together to the central system and make the information flow in real-time.
The construction and infrastructure companies are witnessing the results of enterprise management and consolidation of information. One of the many benefits of implementing eresource ERP solution has been a tight integration between all projects and site offices with the company headquarters.
As a result of this improved coordination there is greater efficiency across the various business processes and function. The company will able to get a complete breakdown of its project costs in terms of material. With eresource ERP you have nothing to look beyond. Take the right decision. Implement eresource ERP and be happy with a business solution with guaranteed success.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):, Web site:
Sales and Distribution module ERP
TO keep pace with rapid changes in the business world, companies need an integrated and flexible enterprise system that supports all aspects of their business with state-of-the-art functionality. ( This innovative solution should upgrade effortlessly and interface easily with third-party applications as well as have the ability to incorporate existing systems while extending its reach to the Internet and e-commerce.
In today's competitive business environment, companies are increasingly being forced to streamline business processes. In a world where it is no longer enough to simply have the best product, companies are focusing on core competencies and closer partnerships over the whole supply chain.
Here, increased efficiency in sales and distribution is a key factor to ensure that companies retain a competitive edge and improve both profit margins and customer service. In helping business to 'beat them on delivery', the Sales and Distribution module of eresource ERP systems offers a comprehensive set of best-of-bred component for both order and logistics management.
Eresource ERP system is tightly integrated with the Sales and Distribution module. This integration enables the mapping and supply of single-site or multi-site organizations. Developing precise logistics planning for just-in-time deliveries, this system can also generate replenishment orders by using defined warehouse requirements.
The following are the sales related business transactions:
Sales queries, such as inquiries and quotations
Sales orders
Outline agreements, such as contracts and scheduling agreements
After sales support
During sales order-processing the following basic functions are carried out:
Inquiry handling
Quotation preparation and processing
Contracts and contact management (order management)
Monitoring the sales transaction
Checking for availability
Transferring requirements to materials planning (MRP)
Scheduling the delivery
Calculating pricing and taxes
Checking credit limits
Creating printed or electronically transmitted documents
Depending on how your particular system is configured, these functions may be completely automated. The data that results from these basic functions is stored in the system where it can be displayed. Eresource ERP 's Sales and Distribution module very actively interacts with the material management and financial accounting module for delivery and billing.
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TMA House, 1st Floor, Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate, Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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Purchase managed Module for purchase section
eresource ERP's Purchase Management module enables the purchasing only when purchase requisitions are generated ideally through MRP run.The purchase management module in eresource ERP never encourages the buying of anything without valid requisition.
The standard purchasing flow in eresource ERP is as follows:
Orders are planned to cover customer and production requirements.
Messages are created identifying item, priority, and release timing.
Orders are reviewed; vendors, quantities, terms are changed and approved.
Orders are sent to the vendor through email.
Receiving process inbound material according to quality specifications.
Receiving routes materials based on production and customer requirements.
Accounts payable is updated from receiving process.
The procurement cycle for a service or material in our purchase management module are described hereunder:
Determination of requirements: Materials requirements are identified either in the user departments or via materials planning and control. (This can cover both MRP proper and the demand-based ap0proach to inventory control. The regular checking of stock levels of materials defined by master records, use of the order-point method, and forecasting on the basis of past usage are important aspect of the latter.) User can enter purchase requisition, or these can be generated automatically by the materials planning and control system
Source determinations: The purchasing components helps one to identify potential sources of supply based on past orders and existing longer-term purchase agreements. This speeds up the process of creating requests for quotation (RFQs), which can be sent to vendors electronically.
Vendor selection and comparison or quotations: The system is capable of simulating pricing scenarios, allowing one to compare a number of different quotations. Rejection letter can be sent automatically.
Purchase order processing: The purchasing system adopts information from the requisition and the quotation to help one create a purchase order. As with purchase requisitions, one can generate POs himself or have the system generate them automatically.
Purchase order follow-up: The system checks the reminder period one has specified and, if necessary, automatically prints reminders or expediters at the predefined intervals. It also provides one with an up-to-date status of all purchase requisitions, quotations and purchase orders.
Goods receiving and inventory management: Goods receiving personnel can confirm the receipt of good simply by entering the PO number. By specifying permissible tolerances, buyers can limit over and under-deliveries of ordered goods.
Invoice verification: The system support the checking and matching of invoices. The accounts payable clerk is notified of quantity and price variances because the system has access to PO and goods receipts data. This speeds the process and auditing and clearing invoices for payment.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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HR module in ERP can accelerate business growth
UNTIL recently the people involved in human resource work were usually called personnel managers.Their duties normally centered on staffing activities such as hiring, keeping employment records, attending to minor medical benefit problems and organizing company teams and outings.
Since then, dramatic changes have occurred in our society and in the make-up of the workforce. No longer can companies afford to look at people as commodity to be exploited to exhaustion and then discarded. In today's organizations employees are viewed as human resources that need to be carefully nurtured, accommodated and developed.
Human resources management is an essential factor of any successful business. The competitive environment of the next millennium, with its economic and technological challenges, will affect your HR department like all other areas of your enterprises. In short, HR managers must continually review and optimize their business process.
The HR modules of eresource ERP system have a set of rich features and will integrate seamlessly with the other modules and are thus, invaluable aids in improving productivity. They offer company-wide solutions for HR departments and make it possible for other departments to access specific employee data.
A human resource management system has to be adaptable to company specific requirements as well as to constantly growing HR requirements. It should cover all the functions required in business practices and be flexible enough to allow you to optimize your business processes by tailoring the ERP solution to suit your organization's needs. Today, businesses cross boundaries and spread across different part of the globe. The system should support the organization's international needs with country specific versions of the HR components.
Currencies, legal requirements and accounting systems often vary from country to country as well, making this a vital feature. A flexible structure enables quick and easy customization on the system to suit your requirements. When you log-on from any part of this world, you must have access to the system's complete functionality.
Here are some of the most common sub-systems available in eresource ERP's HR module. The list is to give an idea about some options available. (The list is not comprehensive).
Personal management (HR master-data, personnel administration, information systems, recruitment, travel management, benefits administration, salary administration)
Organizational management (organizational structure, staffing schedules, job descriptions, planning scenarios, personnel cost planning)
Payroll accounting (gross/net accounting, history function, multi-currency capability, international solutions)
Time management (shift planning, work schedules, time recording, absence determination)
Personal development (career and succession planning, profile comparisons, qualifications assessment, additional training determination, training and event management)
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Best practice of ERP is best suited for Lean organizations
THE world-class practice believes in the common language within an organization. This culture is predominantly observed in lean enterprises, thus resulting in the best fit for the ERP environment.
A lean organization has detailed specifications of all the actions required to bring a product from concept to launch, from order to delivery, and from raw materials to finished product that goes into the hands of the customer and throughout it useful life. This takes care of perfect and complete data sets availability to load into ERP for accurate estimations and recommendations.
The lean organization believes in absolutely flat organization structure with empowered employees. The structure is purely based on process, and for at all on functions. Every business process or sub-process exists to provide a needed product or service for a defined customer. These products and services are produced within the process according to the defined requirements, rules, or constrains.
The process requires materials and information, which are provided by suppliers, and consumes the resources allocated to the process. Since ERP conceptually integrates the process and not the functions, this process-based culture is the primary criteria for ERP fitness. The main job of ERP in such environment is to replace all these processes into a seamless flow of information.
ERP thus provides authority of getting all the information about the organization to all the users. No constraint like confidentiality, hierarchy, or authority exists. Hence the right of information seeking is never questioned. Every employee is motivated to browse, analyze and comment on the performance of the organization through the ERP system. Thus ERP expects an employee to be much more matured and accountable with resource of the organization.
ERP calls traditional purchase person as Buyer and a buyer is expected to have four types of skills like Technical skills, Commercial skills, Negotiation skills and Integrated planning skills.
ERP assumes this type of empowered people as users and then further helps them take accurate and cost effective decisions in their daily transactions and planning. The best practice of ERP here could be to share all the information of the organization to the entire set of users without any obstacles to facilitate both productive and best mixes of planning decisions.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk): Web site:
ERP finance module helps see your tomorrow today
Provides financial functionality, analysis support
IN today's business enterprise, you need to know that your financial decisions are based on today's data, not numbers from records closed a month ago, or even a week ago. And you need to know that this same data represents every segment of your organization's activities, whether your enterprise stretches across a room or around the globe.
This is essential, because the most efficient way to get your enterprise to where you want it tomorrow is to know exactly where it is today.
Whatever the financial goals of your organization may be, the financial application components of eresource ERP solution work hand-in-hand to improve the bottom-line. This is true because the financial functionality is tightly integrated across all business areas and all geographic areas.
This tight integration includes all the other different modules, from materials management to human resource to logistics. Because eresource ERP system automatically links related areas, it eliminates the need to repeat procedures. You enter your data only once. Within the eresource ERP system all areas work in coordination, creating a new level of efficiency in handling your financial data.
The finance module of eresource ERP system provides financial functionality and analysis support to lot of medium and large scale enterprises in Indian and abroad. The finance module of eresource ERP system has the following sub-systems.
Financial Accounting
General Ledger
Account Receivable
Account payable
Fixed Asset A/C
Debut Note/ Credit Note/ Journal Entries
Bank Reconciliation
Statutory & Regulatory
Value added
tax analysis & reporting TDS & service tax
Enterprise Controlling
Executive Information System
Business Planning & budgeting
Profit centre accounting
In addition, eresource ERP's financial accounting provides company-wide integration that is essential to strategic decision making. The financial accounting module in eresource ERP gives you the ability to centrally track financial accounting data within a single framework, of multiple companies, multiple branches and chart of accounts.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk): Web site:
Understanding data migration process
Data migration is the process of moving required volume of data from existing systems to new systems. Existing systems can be anything from custom-built IT infrastructures to spreadsheets and standalone databases. Data migration encompasses all the necessary steps to cleanse, correct and move data into a new system. Technological changes, change in providers, software updates or data warehousing/data mining projects make such delicate and critical operations necessary. A good data migration should allow one to:
Reduce risk: Data being an organization's most critical business asset, it is essential that any manipulation be carried out without any disruption.
Lower operational expenses: Data migration is a one-off activity triggered by certain circumstances. The data migration tool or solution reinforces the organization's resources which can remain focused on its ongoing continuous core activities. Improve data quality: The cleansing and correction solutions ensure perfect data integrity after it has been migrated. From a user and development perspective, the migrated data results are completely optimized.
From a user perspective, the data migration solutions should make sure that a strategy is put in place to achieve maximum flexibility and quality.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk): helpdesk@eresourceerp.comWeb site:
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Why you need an ERP solution
This is the reason why almost all organizations are turning to some sort of ERP package as a solution to their information management problems. ERP packages if chosen correctly, implemented judiciously and used efficiency will raise the productivity and profits or companies dramatically. But many companies fail in this because of wrong product, incompetent and haphazard implementation and inefficiency or ineffective usage.
To work successfully ERP solutions need a lot of factors to click. There should be good people who know the business, the solution providers should be good and their package should be the one best suited for the company's needs, the implementation should be planned well and executed perfectly and the end-user training should be done so that the people understand the system and the effect of their efforts on the overall success of the program.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk): helpdesk@eresourceerp.comWeb site:
What is data mining
Powerful systems for collecting data and managing it in large databases are already in place in most large and medium-scale companies. However, the bottleneck of turning this data into your success is the difficulty of extracting knowledge about the system that you study from the collected data.
Below are all the questions that can probably be answered if information hidden among megabytes of data in your database can be found explicitly and utilized.
What goods should be promoted to this customer? What is the probability that a certain customer will respond to a planned promotion? Can one predict the most profitable securities to buy/sell during the next trading session? Will this customer default on a loan or payback on schedule? What medical diagnosis should be assigned to a particular patient? How large are the peak loads of a telephone or energy network going to be? Why does the facility suddenly start to produce defective goods? Modeling the investigated system and discovering relations that connect variables in a database are the subjects of data mining.
Modern data mining system self learn from the previous history of the investigated system, formulating and testing hypotheses about the rules, which this system obeys. When concise and valuable knowledge about the system of interest had been discovered, it can and should be incorporated into some decision support system, which helps the manager to make wise and informed business decisions.
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Less well known company for ERP implementation
The members of the implementing team that are going to be dedicated for your company during the implementation are a key success factor to consider. Rather than concentrating on having a big name behind your implementation, we would suggest you get more details of this less well known company.
If this small company has good capabilities among them and seem to be up to their promises in the contract, then this would be satisfying.
Sometimes big named companies would issue a sub contract to smaller implementing companies, but usually and for some reasons such implementations fail.
Again, you might get excited during the discussions held, but nothing is going to be guaranteed if not documented in the contract.
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Vendor managed inventory
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a process where the manufacturer generates orders for the distributor based on demand information sent by the distributor using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system . During this process, the manufacturer is guided by mutually agreed objectives for inventory levels, fill rates and transaction costs.
VMI is a planning and management system that is not directly tied to inventory ownership. Under VMI instead of the distributor monitoring sales and inventory for the purpose of triggering replenishment orders, the vendor assumes responsibility for these activities.
In the past, many manufacturers operated vendor-stocking programmes where a representative visited a distributor a few times a month and restocked their suppliers up to an agreed level. VMI replaces these visits with information gathered from cash registers and transmitted directly to a manufacturer's computer system via ERP. Now, manufacturers can monitor sales of their products and decide when to initiate the replenishing procedure.
To understand VMI, let us look at to business models:
The Conventional Business Model: When a distributor needs a product, they place an order against a manufacturer. The distributor is in total control of the timing and size of the order being placed. Under this model, the distributor maintains their inventory plan.
Vendor Managed Inventory Model: The manufacturer receives electronic data that informs it about the distributor's sales and stock levels. The manufacturer can view every item that the distributor stocks as well as the true point of sale data. The manufacturer is responsible for creating and maintaining the inventory plan. Under VMI, the manufacturer generates the order, not the distributor.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, Web site:
Tangible and intangible benefits of ERP system
Tangible benefits are those measured in monetary terms and intangible benefits cannot be measured in monetary terms but ( they do have a very significant business impact.
Tangible benefits:
Improves the productivity of process and personnel
Lowering the cost of products and services purchased
Paper and postage cost reductions
Inventory reduction
Lead time reduction
Reduced stock obsolescence
Faster product / service look-up and ordering saving time and money
Automated ordering and payment, lowering payment processing and paper costs
Intangible benefits:
Increases organizational transparency and responsibility
Accurate and faster access to data for timely decisions
Can reach more vendors, producing more competitive bids ;
Improved customer response
Saves enormous time and effort in data entry ;
More controls thereby lowering the risk of mis-utilization of resources
Facilitates strategic planning
Uniform reporting according to global standards
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):
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Supply Chain Management software
With a supply chain management software in place, a business can manage its entire network more effectively by overseeing all activities across all suppliers, production plants, and storage and distribution facilities.
It becomes easy to streamline and centralize their distribution strategy, and eliminate the logistical errors and lack of coordination that can lead to delays.
SCM increases visibility and enhance collaboration across the entire supply chain by sharing valuable information such as demand trend reports, forecasts, inventory levels, and transportation plans with suppliers and other partners.
It can also minimize storage costs and improve cash flow by better managing inventory levels and it also helps improve logistics tracking, corrects break-downs, inefficiencies, or problems in the supply chain before they become unmanageable.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):
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Skills required after ERP implementation
In every business function and department that is ERP-enabled you will need more than one staff who know the system and its relation to the departmental process. It is these people who have to guide, motivate and help their colleagues by working along with them. They will answer questions, find needed work around and let you know what is working and what isn't. These people will be the ERP team representatives in each department. It is a nice idea that these people have a dual reporting relationship; with their managers and with the ERP in-charge. It will also be useful to convene meetings of these people once in a while, so that they can share knowledge and compare notes.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, , e-mail (Sales):, Web site:
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
ERP market growth in India
ERP market in India steadily growing for the last few years ( and the main reason for this enormous growth can be attributed to the inability of order system to manage the conversion to year 2000. There are also other factors such as industry best practices, easy and faster implementation and good cost predictions.
Another factor behind the growth is that already existing clients acquire more licences and modules. The number of employees using the ERP system is increasing and the ERP clients who have started with the basic modules are going for subsequent applications. There is also a trend to replace customized system with standard application packages, like an ERP system.
India is expected to present ERP suppliers an important marketplace as manufacturing companies are significantly investing in technology solutions to improve their manufacturing operations.
According to observation made by some experts in the field, the ERP market started showing solid organic growth since 2004 as IT spending improved.
The Indian ERP market experienced CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) of 25.2 during the period of 2004-2009. The market was $83 million in 2004, and is projected to be over $250 million in 2009, according to a research report.
The report further clarifies that manufacturers in India are increasingly implementing ERP solutions to ensure that decision makers have the required information visibility across the value chain.
Majority of Indian manufacturers are small by global standards, requiring easy-to-use ERP solutions to meet their specific process requirements, including localisation needs to address the continually evolving tax and statutory requirements. Small and medium enterprises across industry verticals and micro verticals, such as automotive, pharmaceuticals, and textiles, are leveraging ERP solutions to gain sustainable competitive advantages.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, Web site:
What is the ROI potential for ERP system
eresource ERP system will help deliver solid customer satisfaction by automating clerical tasks, improving on-time shipments, reducing inventory and providing information to make quick decisions.
eresource ERP offers the functionality, technology platform and implementation expertise to help you realize the full benefits of an ERP solution.
What is more exciting about eresource ERP is, it not only addresses all your day to day business challenges, you will also get a healthy return on your investment quickly and faster than you probably thought. eresource ERP can yield higher net profits by:
Streamlining your supply chain
Improving customer relationship
Reducing operational cost
Allowing real-time access to information
Providing foundation to growth
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk):
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Why some people think ROI on ERP is low
ERPs take away the old way of working and people are not ready to give away the old system even though they understand it is not bringing the desired result. When they are asked to give up what they know and what they used to, you often get resistance to using a new software system.
ERPs also threaten the fragile balance of power and control. The old system allows departments and some individuals to control the type of information that gets out - and control the way data gets disseminated. The new system keeps check on all that and a proper working environment has been created in the organization.
If any organization spending millions on an ERP solution with no success, then they must understand that the technical problems they faced were minor compared to the human reactions against these changes.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234/+91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):
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Industry-specific ERP system
eresource is developing best practices and delivering ERP software systems that target specific business needs. The result is a depth and breadth of industry expertise and tailored software functionality that is difficult to match.
Through its industry solutions, eresource addresses the unique core processes of number of industries. eresource tightly narrows its industry focus to provide targeted support for many micro-level industries.
eresource ERP system currently serves the following industry segments:
ERP for Manufacturing
ERP for Discrete Manufacturing
ERP for Fleet Management
ERP for Pharmaceutical
ERP for Chemical Industry
ERP for Modular Kitchen
ERP for Construction and Infrastructure
ERP for Automotive
As the Small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) are facing greater competition than ever across diverse industries, success depends on having the ability to keep pace with rapidly changing customer and industry demand and execute in a short amount of time. The agility to quickly seize new opportunities and the flexibility to achieve sustainable business growth is another success factor for the mid-sized enterprises. With pricing pressure and the increasing power of large rivals in some segments they have a critical need to optimize business processes, cut operational costs and improve customer acquisition and retention rates.
It is a promising sign that the small and mid-size enterprises are recognizing integrated business management solutions like eresource ERP are essential for their growth. They are also realizing that eresource ERP system is becoming necessity for the scalability and keeping up with competitors, The most welcome aspect of this application is that it has become more affordable, easy-to-implement and adept at addressing industry-specific business processes.
For more information kindly visit:
OR Please Contact us at:
TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, Web site:
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