eresource ERP is India's leading web-based ERP software solution provider. We offer ERP solution for different industries like Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, Fleet Management, Trading etc.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Why you need an ERP solution
This is the reason why almost all organizations are turning to some sort of ERP package as a solution to their information management problems. ERP packages if chosen correctly, implemented judiciously and used efficiency will raise the productivity and profits or companies dramatically. But many companies fail in this because of wrong product, incompetent and haphazard implementation and inefficiency or ineffective usage.
To work successfully ERP solutions need a lot of factors to click. There should be good people who know the business, the solution providers should be good and their package should be the one best suited for the company's needs, the implementation should be planned well and executed perfectly and the end-user training should be done so that the people understand the system and the effect of their efforts on the overall success of the program.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, e-mail (Sales):, e-mail (Help Desk): helpdesk@eresourceerp.comWeb site:
What is data mining
Powerful systems for collecting data and managing it in large databases are already in place in most large and medium-scale companies. However, the bottleneck of turning this data into your success is the difficulty of extracting knowledge about the system that you study from the collected data.
Below are all the questions that can probably be answered if information hidden among megabytes of data in your database can be found explicitly and utilized.
What goods should be promoted to this customer? What is the probability that a certain customer will respond to a planned promotion? Can one predict the most profitable securities to buy/sell during the next trading session? Will this customer default on a loan or payback on schedule? What medical diagnosis should be assigned to a particular patient? How large are the peak loads of a telephone or energy network going to be? Why does the facility suddenly start to produce defective goods? Modeling the investigated system and discovering relations that connect variables in a database are the subjects of data mining.
Modern data mining system self learn from the previous history of the investigated system, formulating and testing hypotheses about the rules, which this system obeys. When concise and valuable knowledge about the system of interest had been discovered, it can and should be incorporated into some decision support system, which helps the manager to make wise and informed business decisions.
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OR Please Contact us at:TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, Web site:
Less well known company for ERP implementation
The members of the implementing team that are going to be dedicated for your company during the implementation are a key success factor to consider. Rather than concentrating on having a big name behind your implementation, we would suggest you get more details of this less well known company.
If this small company has good capabilities among them and seem to be up to their promises in the contract, then this would be satisfying.
Sometimes big named companies would issue a sub contract to smaller implementing companies, but usually and for some reasons such implementations fail.
Again, you might get excited during the discussions held, but nothing is going to be guaranteed if not documented in the contract.
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OR Please Contact us at:TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):,e-mail (Help Desk):, Web site:
Vendor managed inventory
Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a process where the manufacturer generates orders for the distributor based on demand information sent by the distributor using Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system . During this process, the manufacturer is guided by mutually agreed objectives for inventory levels, fill rates and transaction costs.
VMI is a planning and management system that is not directly tied to inventory ownership. Under VMI instead of the distributor monitoring sales and inventory for the purpose of triggering replenishment orders, the vendor assumes responsibility for these activities.
In the past, many manufacturers operated vendor-stocking programmes where a representative visited a distributor a few times a month and restocked their suppliers up to an agreed level. VMI replaces these visits with information gathered from cash registers and transmitted directly to a manufacturer's computer system via ERP. Now, manufacturers can monitor sales of their products and decide when to initiate the replenishing procedure.
To understand VMI, let us look at to business models:
The Conventional Business Model: When a distributor needs a product, they place an order against a manufacturer. The distributor is in total control of the timing and size of the order being placed. Under this model, the distributor maintains their inventory plan.
Vendor Managed Inventory Model: The manufacturer receives electronic data that informs it about the distributor's sales and stock levels. The manufacturer can view every item that the distributor stocks as well as the true point of sale data. The manufacturer is responsible for creating and maintaining the inventory plan. Under VMI, the manufacturer generates the order, not the distributor.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775, Web site:
Tangible and intangible benefits of ERP system
Tangible benefits are those measured in monetary terms and intangible benefits cannot be measured in monetary terms but ( they do have a very significant business impact.
Tangible benefits:
Improves the productivity of process and personnel
Lowering the cost of products and services purchased
Paper and postage cost reductions
Inventory reduction
Lead time reduction
Reduced stock obsolescence
Faster product / service look-up and ordering saving time and money
Automated ordering and payment, lowering payment processing and paper costs
Intangible benefits:
Increases organizational transparency and responsibility
Accurate and faster access to data for timely decisions
Can reach more vendors, producing more competitive bids ;
Improved customer response
Saves enormous time and effort in data entry ;
More controls thereby lowering the risk of mis-utilization of resources
Facilitates strategic planning
Uniform reporting according to global standards
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TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):
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Supply Chain Management software
With a supply chain management software in place, a business can manage its entire network more effectively by overseeing all activities across all suppliers, production plants, and storage and distribution facilities.
It becomes easy to streamline and centralize their distribution strategy, and eliminate the logistical errors and lack of coordination that can lead to delays.
SCM increases visibility and enhance collaboration across the entire supply chain by sharing valuable information such as demand trend reports, forecasts, inventory levels, and transportation plans with suppliers and other partners.
It can also minimize storage costs and improve cash flow by better managing inventory levels and it also helps improve logistics tracking, corrects break-downs, inefficiencies, or problems in the supply chain before they become unmanageable.
For more information kindly visit:
OR Please Contact us at:
TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, +91 22 65130234, e-mail (Sales):
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Skills required after ERP implementation
In every business function and department that is ERP-enabled you will need more than one staff who know the system and its relation to the departmental process. It is these people who have to guide, motivate and help their colleagues by working along with them. They will answer questions, find needed work around and let you know what is working and what isn't. These people will be the ERP team representatives in each department. It is a nice idea that these people have a dual reporting relationship; with their managers and with the ERP in-charge. It will also be useful to convene meetings of these people once in a while, so that they can share knowledge and compare notes.
For more information kindly visit:
OR Please Contact us at:
TMA House, 1st Floor,Road No 16, Plot No. 6,Wagle Industrial Estate,Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra, Tel: +91 22 25827692/+91 22 25828775/+91 22 65130234, , e-mail (Sales):, Web site:
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