Monday, July 24, 2017

eresource the new generation ERP system

Organizations are thinking and preparing for the future technology, which will take their business to new heights.  However, how to define, deploy and manage the technology and business services are really a matter of concern for everyone. This is where the assistance of advanced Business Solution s like eresource ERP makes its relevance.

Web-based eresource ERP Solution

The Web-based eresource ERP Solution help face the challenges before today's enterprises. As the businesses are today work and deliver value more dynamically, the competition in the market also been increased which brings new challenges to them.  Cloud computing and social computing technologies, new working standards and a stubborn economic reset are all reshaping how work gets done.

Companies are exploring the ways to extend more value added services to its customers.  Though operational improvement and cost savings be critical factors it alone will not help companies in their business operations .  Emerging new challenges must be addressed with solutions that extend the value of complex, knowledge-based business activities.

eresources end to end ERP Solution supports complex, high value, knowledge-based work. eresource ERP Solution simplifies back-office process automation for mid-sized and growing business. It provides real-time information about finance, order management, purchase, inventory, employee management, e commerce and much more. With web- based eresource ERP Solution , you can accelerate business cycles, improve productivity and reliability, and provide higher levels of service to customers, suppliers and partners.

Our SAAS Model solutions are a big hit among the mid-sized companies in India.  With eresource ERP, pharmaceutical companies that are looking for a next generation enterprise solution can realize cost and process efficiencies. With the solution they can also take their sales and marketing effectiveness to new heights.

Many ERP System currently used by many of our midmarket companies are quite mature and ripe for replacement. Most of today's midmarket organizations had ERP System s older than 10 years old. ERP Technology has evolved significantly in the years since these systems were deployed. Therefore operating your business on out-dated system can make adverse effect on your business operations .  You must change today for better tomorrow. A Next generation ERP system is already here.

For business flexibility and control implement eresource ERP

Which is the perfect ERP system for you? This must be first question asked yourself before you select an ERP system for your company. From conventional ERP to Web-based system and Cloud ERP as there are many variant available in the ERP market, selecting the right ERP for you is very important.

Selection of right ERP system for your company depends on a number of criteria. This includes functionality of potential ERP systems relative to your business requirements, cost-factor and your organization's need. It is also important to consider whether you would like to go for a short-term vs. longer-term costs. Ultimately this decision could be further narrowed down to two main variables: complexity and control.

Large companies with huge number of employees need to control their IT infrastructures because they view business technology as a competitive advantage. These companies are more likely to find that traditional on-premise ERP systems to meet their business needs. With their larger background these types of systems can provide the flexibility and control that these organizations are demanding.

On the other hand, most of the small and mid-sized companies consider the ERP function as a tool to excel in their day-to-day business process. They don't mind outsourcing by getting the facility from outside their compound wall. For these types of companies, Software as a Service or the Cloud ERP solutions often makes more sense.

Global presence of each company also varies depending on their strength and operations also their supply chain sophistication, diversified products, and customer interfaces that provide competitive advantages over their competitors. Companies with higher levels of complexity and sophistication can consider either on premise or hosted off-site (in the cloud).

It is also a fact that almost every midmarket ERP suite shares several common modules, the differences among solutions tend to be quite granular within these modules. Also, even if different packages offer the same feature - say, sales-order management - it might not be bundled in the same module; some vendors include sales-order management in their CRM suites while others package it in their SCM suites.

What is the taken in to account when evaluating an effective ERP system is that key to an ERP package is tight integration between modules, so that all of the core business modules are related.

As every company is different and has different business needs, so it is important to understand which types of ERP systems will work best in your situation. For more information and comprehensive evaluation of each variant, please write to us or call us today.

Quick implementation, quick business and quick RoI, that is eresource ERP

ERP software like the eresource can bring all the difference to a business organization with the integration of internal and external management information. The award winning leading Web-based eresource ERP solution that has been developed in Indian soil allows you to maximize efficiency across departments and identify key areas for improvement producing real cost savings.

Not only just choosing the right ERP but also the effective implementation contributes to the successful functioning of the ERP. What also to be considered is the time taken to implement. Everyone knows time is precious. An ERP implementation must be completed within stipulated time. Apart from the timely implementation, employee training is also essential for the successful functioning of any ERP software.

Without proper training of employees the organizations won't succeed in enjoying the full advantage of the new systems and may even feel uncomfortable using them. Make it sure that your employees are trained thoroughly during and after implementation as well as a periodical training method must be adopted to ensure everyone is getting used to the system without facing hardship.

eresource ERP once implemented, brings greater efficiency in all the business operations. Having said that what is to be remembered is that, there may be a certain amount of data migration and conversion will inevitably be involved. This may cause a slight disruption of business operations including data migration and employee training, during the implementation of the ERP system. As eresource ERP implementation is efficient and adopting the time saving exercise, the disruption time is going to be negligible.

To get the most out of ereosurce ERP software, it has been integrated with all the modules that are required for every verticals in a systematic way. Any additional facilities required by companies could be integrated as per the requirement. Web-based eresource ERP system is scalable. Companies that have implement only limited modules could be upgraded with our full fledged ERP system in a quick session.

Over the years many companies that have evaluated many ERP tools to run their business been finally settled with eresource ERP after finding that it only gives them value for money but also brings a substantial ROI soon. A quick implementation that makes a quick business with a quick ROI, that's eresource.

A strong finance module must for a healthy business process

When a company decides to implement an ERP system, what they are primarily looking for is the improvement in the management of their financial section. But a hurriedly taken decision about ERP implementation can bring the negative impact. Therefore selection of a suitable ERP system is most important as it must not only suite your business process but also your financial management.

By now everyone knows that the continuous changes in the global business environment, efficiency and effective in the management of companies cannot be compromised. For efficiency and effectiveness in the business operation the management must create path for bi-directional relationship of the different areas and processes of the company. Nowadays team work becomes an essential part for a successful business, which includes the planning and administrative functions of all the corporate areas.

The use of eresource ERP in the Financial Department is a best way to manage the account records updated in a reliable and effective way. The General Accounting, the centre of the financial activities of the system, helps to capture and integrate the transactions made inside the module, allowing you to see the influence in financial terms over the enterprise as a joint system.

Whatever the financial goals of your organization may be, the financial application components of eresource ERP solution work hand-in-hand to improve the bottom-line. This is true because the financial functionality is tightly integrated across all business areas and all geographic areas.

This tight integration includes all the other different modules, from materials management to human resource to logistics. Because eresource ERP system automatically links related areas, it eliminates the need to repeat procedures. You enter your data only once. Within the eresource ERP system all areas work in coordination, creating a new level of efficiency in handling your financial data.

All the audits include information details such as who made an entry and when, as well as who created and modified the last time, is recorded in our ERP system in order to maintain a proper order in an organized manner. The display can also be made simpler by opting for filtering the details by date entry.

One of the most advantages of financial management module eresource ERP is that the accounting information of several years can be maintained online without affecting the performance; and it also has specific features to leave tracks of audits to determine the origin of the transactions.

Streamline your business processes with eresource ERP

eresource ERP manufacturing solution offers small and mid-sized manufacturing organizations with a means to reduce costs. It also helps respond to changing market scenario and customer demands by streamlining the business processes.

Here are some of the benefits the manufacturers will experience by implementing eresource as their ERP solution.

eresource for Manufacturing provides organizations with more flexible and extensible system that enables them to easily adapt, change and add operational functionality to the system in order to meet customer demands and easily adjust to changes in the marketplace.

eresource streamlines operations and processes thereby providing transparency to manufacturers on their production & delivery schedules, order processes and warehousing management.

eresource will automate the manual processes practiced by the manufacturing companies. Automation will enable them to increase efficiency and take advantage of new revenue opportunities.

eresource helps organizations to provide better service and be more responsive to the demands of customers and business partners through multi dimensional tracking features and advanced order-promising capabilities.

With the use of eresource manufacturing ERP software system, manufacturing organizations can set budgets, review costs, track activities and resources.

Being a web-based ERP solution, eresourceenables sharing and communication of information between users on-line in real-time basis.

eresource enables manufacturers to identify problem areas and take corrective action in an easy and effective manner. .

eresource ERP advantages:

Supplier collaboration:
Two-way information exchange and collaboration with supplier improves procurement execution and reduces material costs without reducing manufacturing responsiveness and flexibility.

Customer relationship management (CRM):
Automation and integration of sales marketing, support and e-commerce helps you win sales and improve customer satisfaction, increasing customer responsiveness and loyalty.

Web-based application and adoption of Microsoft's .NET technology enables you to access information, sell product, run business processes and connect with customers and partners anytime, anywhere via the Internet.

Extended enterprise:
eresource ERP is designed to support businesses that operate at a single location or with multiple plants.

Business intelligence:
Business intelligence (BI) tools provide complete visibility into your system's critical business data, allowing you to make faster, better informed and progressive company decisions.

Technology infrastructure:
Microsoft based solution facilitates a smooth, quick implementation and simplified system administration, customization and integration of your business system, while also providing a stable, scalable technology infrastructure.

eresource ERP finance module helps see your 'tomorrow' today

IN today's business enterprise, you need to know that your financial decisions are based on today's data, not numbers from records closed a month ago, or even a week ago. And you need to know that this same data represents every segment of your organization's activities, whether your enterprise stretches across a room or around the globe.

This is essential, because the most efficient way to get your enterprise to where you want it tomorrow is to know exactly where it is today.

Whatever the financial goals of your organization may be, the financial application components of eresource ERP solution work hand-in-hand to improve the bottom-line. This is true because the financial functionality is tightly integrated across all business areas and all geographic areas.

This tight integration includes all the other different modules, from materials management to human resource to logistics. Because eresource ERP system automatically links related areas, it eliminates the need to repeat procedures. You enter your data only once. Within the eresource ERP system all areas work in coordination, creating a new level of efficiency in handling your financial data.

The finance module of eresource ERP system provides financial functionality and analysis support to lot of medium and large scale enterprises in Indian and abroad. The finance module of eresource ERP system has the following sub-systems.

Financial Accounting
  • General Ledger
  • Account Receivable
  • Account payable
  • Fixed Asset A/C
  • Debut Note/ Credit Note/ Journal Entries
  • Bank Reconciliation
Statutory & Regulatory
  • Value added tax analysis & reporting
  • TDS & service tax
  • Excise
Enterprise Controlling
  • Executive Information System
  • Business Planning & budgeting
  • Profit centre accounting
In addition, eresource ERP's financial accounting provides company-wide integration that is essential to strategic decision making. The financial accounting module in eresource ERP gives you the ability to centrally track financial accounting data within a single framework, of multiple companies, multiple branches and chart of accounts.

ERP software is not a magic wand

The purpose of ERP technology is to support the business processes that support the company's strategic opportunities. There are some basic tenets of ERP that should guide management's actions and decisions.

There is no magic in ERP software. ERP's benefits are a direct result of effective preparation and implementation, and appropriate use. This seems obvious, but most of the organizations don't get it right the first time around. Expecting a quick fix, silver-bullet solution is a dangerous mindset.

Another matter is no amount of advanced information technology can offset the problem of a flawed business strategy and poorly performing business processes. This area, in particular, is something that ERP software implementers may not fully address because it can slow system deployment.

The companies must define a business strategy that will give them a competitive advantage or, at the very least, make them competitively equal. Then, analyze your current business processes and develop objectives. Once this step is done, the following steps for preparation, ERP software selection and implementation can support the strategic and process objectives better.

Acquire flexible ERP information technology that can accommodate rapidly changing business conditions. The high-velocity flow of information needed to support action up and down the supply chain is a major step forward for most manufacturers. It will be mandatory in the future just to compete, much less stay ahead of, the competition.

You must have the implementation led by a senior executive who has the authority to make changes happen and happen quickly. Make sure there is a sense of urgency and true accountability for completing preparation and implementation activities on time. Moving away from functional silos and creating effective cross-functional processes that are truly integrated via an ERP system is not an easy task. When ERP is not fully integrated into day-to-day business operations, however, it is not likely to be very beneficial.

If enterprise integration or more advanced supply chain management strategies are to have any chance of complete success it will be due, to a large extent, to the removal of traditional cross-functional barriers. These silos comprise the organizational boundaries where information flow and often cooperation, stop. You must ask, "How will we use the ERP system?" Some not-so-obvious issues will surface as you try to answer that question.

For example, will you combine demand-based flow and lean manufacturing techniques, which will negate the need for some traditional ERP functionality? Focus on your business strategy and not just software selection and implementation. Many problems are reinforced by contradictory objectives and performance measures that actually create inconsistent value and belief systems, to the company's detriment. No amount of information technology will correct these problems. Management must aggressively remove them once and for all through business process redesign.

ERP implementation: when, why and how?

A methodical implementation of ERP system starts from the preliminary analysis of ERP readiness audit for the client. What is discussed here is the key issue concerning the implementation methodology. The current business performance of the client, forthcoming strategic plans, investment potentials, culture and general human resource characteristics, expectations, and objective settlings for ERP should included in this analysis. Once the study report is submitted based on the above analysis, the client has to accept the recommendations emphasized on it.

Keeping with the current trend, it will be very risky from the client side to reject ERP based on poor readiness audit results. To sustain competitiveness ERP cannot be substituted by fragmented legacy systems. The only way out is the proper reengineering programme for ERP adoption. Though may seem critical, this is the main focus of the methodology.

A blue print should be drawn with details of migration and other things and scientific analysis of 'to be adoption' and its phase-execution to be discussed thoroughly. The activities for the overall implementation programme should be planned with time units. The consulting firms overlook the time required for data collection and policy decisions on masters settings. ERP master setting can be regarded as the heart of ERP implementation.

Sufficient time must be allocated to identify, clarify, validate and simulate the exact information about all the master level entries. In India, such exercise is the only opportunity for the companies to do for their life time better performance. It will not be false to say that an organization of size more than 1000 crores should take at least three months to set Item Master. . No consulting company or the client will agree on such figures in today's jet age. The idea is to sell ERP quickly and to start utilizing it.

One more important element is the parallel user training and knowledge upgrading. The best practice what eresource recommend is to take users to the actual ERP implemented sites to show them the process flow. What you see is the best training you never thought of, especially when you have no idea or clue for such concepts.

What is to be kept in mind while going live is, the time to be planned properly and the organization should be equipped with abilities to face whatever shortcomings they may encounter with. There are ideal implementation methodologies, which not only will keep the customer satisfied, but also will boost the confidence of the users. One of the methods used is mentioned here for readers' reference.

The method was applied in one of the manufacturing companies. It was recommended ten transactions every day to be carried out in ERP without any entry in legacy system. Then it generated all the documents from ERP as supporting papers for the manual entries and reports. The rest of the entries in a day used to be carried as manual entries in the legacy system. Soon users understood ERP is better on all the grounds. This formula worked wonderfully well for generating confidence and reduction in resistance in users' mind.

Another question is, should ERP implementation be carried out module wise or all the modules at one go? The answers to these questions are case specific. It will be difficult for to generalize the theory for it. Mostly decision on this depends on the readiness audit result, available strength of consulting human power - both internal and external - relevance of ERP at various sites, timeframe, and the budget. But it is highly recommend that the organization should go for the implementation of all the modules at one site, and then go for roll out strategy for all sites.

Finally, there is a wrong concept about the BPR and ERP system. The main doubt persist in the mind of many decision makers is whether the organization should first carry out BPR and then implement ERP, or vice versa. Actually, one has to understand that the physical form of the BPR concept is the ERP system. In some organizations where BPR is carried out first then ERP was implemented. In all these places, the BPR document was thrown into dustbin and new 'to be document' was prepared suitable to ERP.

Such cases clearly show that BPR benefits as such don't exist without ERP reference, and ERP just cannot be carried out without proper BPR. What we assume is that the BPR must be the outgrowth of ERP implementation and, therefore, it should be carried out during implementation only. But the major element of BPR is the change in the mindset, which can be initiated before ERP adoption, may be during the preliminary analysis by way of user training. The best thing to do in these situations is to carry 'noiseless BRP' which triggers the implementation smoothly.

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning. Understanding ERP System

Enterprise Resource Planning system, popularly known as ERP system, the descendant of MRPII offers the answer to the economic and productivity troubles of manufacturing and service enterprises. Thus, the ERP system has become very popular as an enterprise management software tool.

ERP is a Software application that provides an organization with functionality for two or more systems. While some ERP packages initially covered two to three functions for an organization most ERP systems today cover almost all the business functions of an organization.

As the name suggests, the term ERP referred to how a large organization planned to use a organization's wide resources. It was the larger companies that have opted to use the ERP systems initially. However, the use of ERP has changed and today the term can refer to any type of company, no matter what industry it falls in. In fact, ERP systems are used in almost any type of organization - large or small.

The latest ERP tools available in the market today can cover a wide range of functions and integrate them into one unified database. For instance, functions such as Human Resources, Supply Chain Management, Customer Relations Management, Financials, Manufacturing functions and Warehouse Management functions were all once stand alone software applications, usually housed with their own database and network, can now fit under one umbrella called ERP.

Popularity of the ERP system has grown with its vast usage among the all kind of industries, Today majority of the midsize organizations are using ERP to support a variety of business issues, including globalization, lean manufacturing, conducting e-business, consolidation, shared services, collaborating with suppliers and meeting the requirements of new customers.

In today's competitive business world usage of ERP system is becoming a must for any organization to meet the challenges faced in their business process. Studies also reveal that very few midsize companies that don't already have an ERP implemented are facing numerous problems in their production and sales departments.

Web-based ERP

Of late many of the organization consider Web-enabled ERP as their most important and strategic platform because it provides a solid foundation and information backbone for eBusiness. When a business application like an ERP system is enhanced with the eBusiness capability, i.e. making it a web-based ebusiness enabled ERP, they supercharge each other. eBusiness is the best vehicle to share business information with partners for creating major B2B synergies.

A fully integrated web-based ERP will capture and create accurate, consistent and timely relevant data, and assist in intelligent business decision-making. The impact of ERP/e-Business integration is substantial, ranging from reduced inventory and personnel level to improved order and cash management. It also results in improved customer responsiveness, reduced IT costs and the availability for value-added activities.

A clear advantage of the web-based ERP solution is that remote users like executives and sales representatives can access the company system with any browser, which is much more convenient than going through a laptop configured for Terminal Services. A quick and on-time implementation of the solution can be done on your existing configuration set up. That means you do not need to upgrade your network for Windows/Exchange Server and SQL Server database.

Web-based ERP removes your headache from the Investment made towards time and cost in the maintenance of the server & other hardware.

ERP Adoption for SMEs; know why this is the right time

In today’s business world Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital and pervasive role. Most of the Enterprise Resource Plannin...