Technology is changing in the speed of light and no businesses can turn a blind eye to this realty if they really want to compete in their business arena. From simple automation era to things has been moved into cloud based services and infrastructure mode and business like discrete manufacturing and process manufacturing companies are the one that must take note of revolution. Manufacturing industry being the backbone of even the country’s economy, the benefits these companies are going to yield is limitless if they are willing to move with the trend.
Manufacturing industry can greatly benefit from the efficiency, scalability , and agility provided by cloud-based enterprise resource planning manufacturing software like eresource Xcel. Understanding the importance of the contributions that manufacturing industries could offer to the country’s economy, eresource has developed a exclusive ERP solution, eresource Xcel for manufacturing industry. This is one of its kind ERP solutions that can never fail to deliver the result.
Below are the 8 benefits why manufacturing companies must implement eresource Xcel ERP in today’s competitive business world.
Cloud-based version - Quick implementation process
Manufacturing companies must implement ERP solution with no further delay. Companies must also make it sure that the implementation process takes minimum time. Because any long deployment process can bring only negative results.
eresource Xcel system for manufacturing has a quick implementation method. The deployment of the cloud-based version is really a time-saver. Normally for a on-site deployment, with all the complex planning involved in setting up your servers, it can take a long time. Even with the long-term benefits that an eresource Xcel ERP system offers, you might not want to lose this time in the fast-paced manufacturing industry — and that’s where cloud-based system can help.
Because our cloud-based version is hosted on the cloud, instead of on servers hosted at your business premises, deploying the system can take as little as three months. Because there is no need to set up new servers on your premise, so you can reduce the IT infrastructure requirements and still enjoy all the advantages of eresource Xcel ERP.
Timely updates of the system
Our cloud-based ERP system takes care of updates automatically, which ensures that your company is always running the latest version. Software updates for an on-premise ERP solution are more labour intensive, and will often require a temporary company-wide maintenance outage. In an industry that thrives on efficiency, even a temporary outage has an impact on both your productivity and your bottom line.
Increased Security Level Functions
Cloud-based eresource Xcel ERP solution is built with flawless security cover. External security features also taken care of with secure application and web service calls. This creates our system is protected end-to-end.
Being a cloud-based ERP solution your data is safeguarded from power failure, natural disasters, or anything else that could compromise the integrity of your business information. As your information data is stored in geographic centers far from your production sites, power outages or other incidents at your facility will not affect your data.
Real-time data access
eresource Xcel cloud based-ERP system enables real-time data access with just a mouse click or screen swipe. It is very important for a manufacturing industry to have an easy data transfer and access facility. This is particularly essential as manufacturing companies become more decentralized; many employees across teams need to access supply chain data.
Flexible system, reliable service
Though there are more cloud-based ERP system available in the market, what every manufacturing company is looking for is flexibility in the system and reliability in their service. Eresource Xcel ERP easily accommodates a sliding scale of cloud-based or on-premise options. Being one of the most sought-after ERP solution among many industrial verticals, eresource is a name to reckon with. It is company with strong and centralized IT department providing global support and our clients can expect the best of service from resource, anytime anywhere.
Gain business visibility
The essential advantage of manufacturing software is that manufacturer gain visibility over the whole procedures and can shield themselves due to concentrated ERP system. The approved user can keep up his pace with the stock daily and can propose his productions as the circumstances demand. This intelligent and Innovative ERP system paves the way for today's Manufacturing industry to streamline business processes and break down barriers to growth, while remaining agile for rapid response to customer demands and evolving markets.
Minimize manufacturing cost
As the competition in the manufacturing sector world-wide getting more aggressive by each passing day, the SMB segment must concentrate more on improving their overall working system, with integrating more advanced resource planning application. We have many reasons to recommend eresource Xcel ERP for Indian manufacturers. eresource Xcel ERP is designed for manufacturing excellence, with visibility throughout the operation and embedded support for a wide variety of manufacturing processes - including make-to-stock, make-to-order, configure-to-order, engineer-to-order , just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing and materials control, and lean operations.
Overcome business challenges
Implementation of eresource ERP can reduce costs in three primary categories such as inventory costs, manufacturing operating costs and administrative costs. Our system has its fingers in all aspects of running a business; its benefits are myriad and go beyond tangible cost reductions. The system will improve an organization's customer service and response time when solving issues and solve issues among multiple manufacturing locations. They system also would standardize and accelerate manufacturing processes in all of a company's manufacturing sites. It can streamline a manufacturer's order-fulfillment processes. It can facilitate connecting with partners' and suppliers' enterprise systems.