Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cloud ERP can enhance business opportunities for SMEs

If you are a close observer of Information Technology space, you will find that cloud computing is the most talked about technological advancement today. As the cloud computing technology is getting wide acceptance and its usage getting most common, the concept is becoming non-issue in technical front. ( Come to think of it while cloud computing has become business-as-usual for many operators, there is a minority of businesses that are reluctant to accept this concept and being left behind due to lack  of knowledge and inexperience.

For any businesses, especially in the SME segment, cloud computing is the most practically acceptable factor.  Therefore it cannot be ignored and kept outside the door for a much longer time.  ( Like we said earlier, it is the lack of knowledge and inexperience that makes a small number of SMEs that are confused how to go about it. Statistics show that one in four SMEs feel they dont know enough about the issues surrounding cloud computing to make the right business decisions and one in six lack the confidence to explore it. Perhaps just as concerning is that one in five are interested but say there are other more important business priorities to take care of first.

Educating the SMEs on Cloud computing is very important. A clear aware of its advantages and benefits must be conveyed in a most simple and articulate way to them. That could make them understand and realize the real benefits and allay any fear of data security. Cloud is the delivery of software, such as email, office applications, file storage and accounting, over the internet. There are many benefits and collectively they provide a strong opportunity to increase business productivity so you have more time and money to concentrate on growth building activities, and to be more competitive locally and globally. The SMEs must realize that as per the statistics businesses utilizing the cloud were 53% more likely to experience a revenue rise.

Although it is recommended that cloud computing definitely could return rich dividend to your businesses, choosing the right technology provider is very important. Implementing a system without proper evaluation and checking the the reliability and credentials of the service provider can bring more harm than good to your businesses. It is very important how genuine are the implementations and service of the cloud computing ERP software is.
There are certain factors must be considered while choosing the right cloud computing ERP software for your firm. Following are some of them.

Trustworthy service providers: While selecting an cloud computing ERP software look for information on the providers websites and via independent sources such as technology blogs, industry publications and other sources. Consider seeking advice from IT consultants, financial advisors and other business owners. Going with an established, profitable, trusted provider is always a good idea.

Review of different cloud computing ERP software: Reviewing various cloud computing models will enable you to have a close look at its working models. There may be system that require you to learn new tools while others leverage your existing know-how. There are system that work only when the user is connected to the internet, while you can also find some which work in offline modes.  Focus on the business benefits and then determine the technology required.
Security measures: The cloud computing involves accessing applications, information and data over the internet via a third-party provider. Therefore, the providers security policies and procedures should be robust. This includes 24/7/365 physical security of the server and strict personnel access control, firewalls, anti-virus protection, spam filters, disaster recovery and independent auditing and testing.

Contact us at:
Tel:  +91 22 25827692
      +91 22 25828775
      +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)

ERP for Plastic Manufacturing

A business solution that helps you to face the challenges in the field

Plastics manufacturing companies require scalability and flexibility in their ERP system that would adapt to different business dynamics, which can be accurately and successfully mapped through eresource ERP. Eresource ERP for Plastic is specifically designed for Plastic Manufacturing industry. With decades of industry experience behind its powerful plastics ERP software solution, eresource understand the unique challenges plastics manufacturers face routinely. From fluctuating raw material, availability of RAW material for production purpose, proper management of Plastic waste and to make available skilled and trained labours.

Given the growth in the Plastic Industry, there are equal number of challenges and besides the competition if extremely high compare to other industry. To help tackle these challenges, we have used our long-standing experience with midsized companies in the plastics industry to develop a eresource industry solution for national and international use that maps all your business processes.

Eresource's Industry-specific ERP solution for Plastic Industry addressed the production process including Injection molding , extruders, film and bag processors, blow molders, thermoforming, and compounder. The key element is in defining products according to plastic specific relevant processes that are truly structured efficiently to determine Extrusion specific Bill of material and all the production parameters and cost elements

eresource is specific. We believe that there is nothing like generic ERP. ERP should be designed specific to Industries keeping its functioning in mind. eresource ERP is designed specifically for the industry in specific method. For more information on eresource ERP

Contact us at:
Tel:  +91 22 25827692
      +91 22 25828775
      +91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)

ERP Adoption for SMEs; know why this is the right time

In today’s business world Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital and pervasive role. Most of the Enterprise Resource Plannin...