HR module in eresource ERP can accelerate business growth
UNTIL recently the people involved in human resource work were usually called personnel managers. Their duties normally centered on staffing activities such as hiring, keeping employment records, attending to minor medical benefit problems and organizing company teams and outings.
Since then, dramatic changes have occurred in our society and in the make-up of the workforce. No longer can companies afford to look at people as commodity to be exploited to exhaustion and then discarded. In today's organizations employees are viewed as human resources that need to be carefully nurtured, accommodated and developed.
Human resources management is an essential factor of any successful business. The competitive environment of the next millennium, with its economic and technological challenges, will affect your HR department like all other areas of your enterprises. In short, HR managers must continually review and optimize their business process.
The HR modules of eresource ERP system have a set of rich features and will integrate seamlessly with the other modules and are thus, invaluable aids in improving productivity. They offer company-wide solutions for HR departments and make it possible for other departments to access specific employee data.
A human resource management system has to be adaptable to company specific requirements as well as to constantly growing HR requirements. It should cover all the functions required in business practices and be flexible enough to allow you to optimize your business processes by tailoring the ERP solution to suit your organization's needs. Today, businesses cross boundaries and spread across different part of the globe. The system should support the organization's international needs with country specific versions of the HR components.
Currencies, legal requirements and accounting systems often vary from country to country as well, making this a vital feature. A flexible structure enables quick and easy customization on the system to suit your requirements. When you log-on from any part of this world, you must have access to the system's complete functionality.
Here are some of the most common sub-systems available in eresource ERP's HR module. The list is to give an idea about some options available. (The list is not comprehensive).
•Personal management (HR master-data, personnel administration, information systems, recruitment, travel management, benefits administration, salary administration)
•Organizational management (organizational structure, staffing schedules, job descriptions, planning scenarios, personnel cost planning)
•Payroll accounting (gross/net accounting, history function, multi-currency capability, international solutions)
•Time management (shift planning, work schedules, time recording, absence determination)
•Personal development (career and succession planning, profile comparisons, qualifications assessment, additional training determination, training and event management)
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eresource ERP is India's leading web-based ERP software solution provider. We offer ERP solution for different industries like Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, Construction, Fleet Management, Trading etc.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Understand it before implementing
ERP software is not a magic wand
THE purpose of ERP technology is to support the business processes that support the company's strategic opportunities. There are some basic tenets of ERP that should guide management's actions and decisions.
There is no magic in ERP software. ERP's benefits are a direct result of effective preparation and implementation, and appropriate use. This seems obvious, but most of the organizations don't get it right the first time around. Expecting a quick fix, silver-bullet solution is a dangerous mindset.
Another matter is no amount of advanced information technology can offset the problem of a flawed business strategy and poorly performing business processes. This area, in particular, is something that ERP software implementers may not fully address because it can slow system deployment.
The companies must define a business strategy that will give them a competitive advantage or, at the very least, make them competitively equal. Then, analyze your current business processes and develop objectives. Once this step is done, the following steps for preparation, ERP software selection and implementation can support the strategic and process objectives better.
Acquire flexible ERP information technology that can accommodate rapidly changing business conditions. The high-velocity flow of information needed to support action up and down the supply chain is a major step forward for most manufacturers. It will be mandatory in the future just to compete, much less stay ahead of, the competition.
You must have the implementation led by a senior executive who has the authority to make changes happen and happen quickly. Make sure there is a sense of urgency and true accountability for completing preparation and implementation activities on time. Moving away from functional silos and creating effective cross-functional processes that are truly integrated via an ERP system is not an easy task. When ERP is not fully integrated into day-to-day business operations, however, it is not likely to be very beneficial.
If enterprise integration or more advanced supply chain management strategies are to have any chance of complete success it will be due, to a large extent, to the removal of traditional cross-functional barriers. These silos comprise the organizational boundaries where information flow and often cooperation, stop. You must ask, "How will we use the ERP system?" Some not-so-obvious issues will surface as you try to answer that question.
For example, will you combine demand-based flow and lean manufacturing techniques, which will negate the need for some traditional ERP functionality? Focus on your business strategy and not just software selection and implementation. Many problems are reinforced by contradictory objectives and performance measures that actually create inconsistent value and belief systems, to the company's detriment. No amount of information technology will correct these problems. Management must aggressively remove them once and for all through business process redesign.
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THE purpose of ERP technology is to support the business processes that support the company's strategic opportunities. There are some basic tenets of ERP that should guide management's actions and decisions.
There is no magic in ERP software. ERP's benefits are a direct result of effective preparation and implementation, and appropriate use. This seems obvious, but most of the organizations don't get it right the first time around. Expecting a quick fix, silver-bullet solution is a dangerous mindset.
Another matter is no amount of advanced information technology can offset the problem of a flawed business strategy and poorly performing business processes. This area, in particular, is something that ERP software implementers may not fully address because it can slow system deployment.
The companies must define a business strategy that will give them a competitive advantage or, at the very least, make them competitively equal. Then, analyze your current business processes and develop objectives. Once this step is done, the following steps for preparation, ERP software selection and implementation can support the strategic and process objectives better.
Acquire flexible ERP information technology that can accommodate rapidly changing business conditions. The high-velocity flow of information needed to support action up and down the supply chain is a major step forward for most manufacturers. It will be mandatory in the future just to compete, much less stay ahead of, the competition.
You must have the implementation led by a senior executive who has the authority to make changes happen and happen quickly. Make sure there is a sense of urgency and true accountability for completing preparation and implementation activities on time. Moving away from functional silos and creating effective cross-functional processes that are truly integrated via an ERP system is not an easy task. When ERP is not fully integrated into day-to-day business operations, however, it is not likely to be very beneficial.
If enterprise integration or more advanced supply chain management strategies are to have any chance of complete success it will be due, to a large extent, to the removal of traditional cross-functional barriers. These silos comprise the organizational boundaries where information flow and often cooperation, stop. You must ask, "How will we use the ERP system?" Some not-so-obvious issues will surface as you try to answer that question.
For example, will you combine demand-based flow and lean manufacturing techniques, which will negate the need for some traditional ERP functionality? Focus on your business strategy and not just software selection and implementation. Many problems are reinforced by contradictory objectives and performance measures that actually create inconsistent value and belief systems, to the company's detriment. No amount of information technology will correct these problems. Management must aggressively remove them once and for all through business process redesign.
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Employees are motivated to work through ERP
Best practice of ERP is best suited for Lean organizations
THE world-class practice believes in the common language within an organization. This culture is predominantly observed in lean enterprises, thus resulting in the best fit for the ERP environment.
A lean organization has detailed specifications of all the actions required to bring a product from concept to launch, from order to delivery, and from raw materials to finished product that goes into the hands of the customer and throughout it useful life. This takes care of perfect and complete data sets availability to load into ERP for accurate estimations and recommendations.
The lean organization believes in absolutely flat organization structure with empowered employees. The structure is purely based on process, and for at all on functions. Every business process or sub-process exists to provide a needed product or service for a defined customer. These products and services are produced within the process according to the defined requirements, rules, or constrains.
The process requires materials and information, which are provided by suppliers, and consumes the resources allocated to the process. Since ERP conceptually integrates the process and not the functions, this process-based culture is the primary criteria for ERP fitness. The main job of ERP in such environment is to replace all these processes into a seamless flow of information.
ERP thus provides authority of getting all the information about the organization to all the users. No constraint like confidentiality, hierarchy, or authority exists. Hence the right of information seeking is never questioned. Every employee is motivated to browse, analyze and comment on the performance of the organization through the ERP system. Thus ERP expects an employee to be much more matured and accountable with resource of the organization.
ERP calls traditional purchase person as Buyer and a buyer is expected to have four types of skills like Technical skills, Commercial skills, Negotiation skills and Integrated planning skills.
ERP assumes this type of empowered people as users and then further helps them take accurate and cost effective decisions in their daily transactions and planning. The best practice of ERP here could be to share all the information of the organization to the entire set of users without any obstacles to facilitate both productive and best mixes of planning decisions.
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Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
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THE world-class practice believes in the common language within an organization. This culture is predominantly observed in lean enterprises, thus resulting in the best fit for the ERP environment.
A lean organization has detailed specifications of all the actions required to bring a product from concept to launch, from order to delivery, and from raw materials to finished product that goes into the hands of the customer and throughout it useful life. This takes care of perfect and complete data sets availability to load into ERP for accurate estimations and recommendations.
The lean organization believes in absolutely flat organization structure with empowered employees. The structure is purely based on process, and for at all on functions. Every business process or sub-process exists to provide a needed product or service for a defined customer. These products and services are produced within the process according to the defined requirements, rules, or constrains.
The process requires materials and information, which are provided by suppliers, and consumes the resources allocated to the process. Since ERP conceptually integrates the process and not the functions, this process-based culture is the primary criteria for ERP fitness. The main job of ERP in such environment is to replace all these processes into a seamless flow of information.
ERP thus provides authority of getting all the information about the organization to all the users. No constraint like confidentiality, hierarchy, or authority exists. Hence the right of information seeking is never questioned. Every employee is motivated to browse, analyze and comment on the performance of the organization through the ERP system. Thus ERP expects an employee to be much more matured and accountable with resource of the organization.
ERP calls traditional purchase person as Buyer and a buyer is expected to have four types of skills like Technical skills, Commercial skills, Negotiation skills and Integrated planning skills.
ERP assumes this type of empowered people as users and then further helps them take accurate and cost effective decisions in their daily transactions and planning. The best practice of ERP here could be to share all the information of the organization to the entire set of users without any obstacles to facilitate both productive and best mixes of planning decisions.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
+91 22 25827692
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+91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
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Supply chain efficiency is also very important
Significance of TQM in price sensitive automotive industry
AUTOMOTIVE sector has been dynamic in inventing new manufacturing strategies owning to prevailing high level of competition. With this scenario the challenges faced by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) have also multiplied over the years.
Customers are demanding individualized final products. This is especially true of the OEM. While the organizations will have some standard base products, the total number of options that they have to offer to the consumers should be plenty. ERP will allow management of these configurations.
Through the supply chain there is need for innovation and new product development with much reduced life cycle for development. Hence, the NPI (New Product Introduction) will greatly help in promoting concurrent engineering.
Automotive industry is characterized by the presence of dedicated customer-supplier relationships and the competition in the market is between supply chains and not individual organizations. Hence, supply chain efficiency is thus very important. The principles of Just-in-Time (JIT), Lean Manufacturing and others become very important here. ERP will help in promoting these concepts.
Another challenge faced by automotive industry is the pressure to reduce delivery time and cost. A comprehensive supply chain solution that crosses the organization boundaries (B2B) is required. Different elements of the supply chain interact very closely.
Quality Management module with support for advanced features like TQM will help to promote quality at source. This receives significance owing to the continuous pressure exerted to cut cost and improve quality.
As the automotive market is extremely price sensitive, the features of comprehensive costing and kaizen costing will be of special relevance here. Understanding the accurate cost of manufacturing and identifying all potential areas for reduction of costs is one of the keys to success.
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scenario,ERP market, high growth
AUTOMOTIVE sector has been dynamic in inventing new manufacturing strategies owning to prevailing high level of competition. With this scenario the challenges faced by Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) have also multiplied over the years.
Customers are demanding individualized final products. This is especially true of the OEM. While the organizations will have some standard base products, the total number of options that they have to offer to the consumers should be plenty. ERP will allow management of these configurations.
Through the supply chain there is need for innovation and new product development with much reduced life cycle for development. Hence, the NPI (New Product Introduction) will greatly help in promoting concurrent engineering.
Automotive industry is characterized by the presence of dedicated customer-supplier relationships and the competition in the market is between supply chains and not individual organizations. Hence, supply chain efficiency is thus very important. The principles of Just-in-Time (JIT), Lean Manufacturing and others become very important here. ERP will help in promoting these concepts.
Another challenge faced by automotive industry is the pressure to reduce delivery time and cost. A comprehensive supply chain solution that crosses the organization boundaries (B2B) is required. Different elements of the supply chain interact very closely.
Quality Management module with support for advanced features like TQM will help to promote quality at source. This receives significance owing to the continuous pressure exerted to cut cost and improve quality.
As the automotive market is extremely price sensitive, the features of comprehensive costing and kaizen costing will be of special relevance here. Understanding the accurate cost of manufacturing and identifying all potential areas for reduction of costs is one of the keys to success.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
+91 22 25827692
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scenario,ERP market, high growth
Eresource is equipped with suitable modules
ERP software helps Process Industries keep pace with the changes
PROCESS industry sector such as Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Fertilizers, Pesticides and others are faced with new challenges and opportunities as they strive to keep pace with the rapid changes taking place worldwide in the Information Technology field.
Here are some of the challenges faced by process industry sector:
•The process of forecasting for these industries are quite complex as the same depends on season, market segment, brand etc. There is a strong requirement from the sophisticated forecasting system from the business application, which will be able to perform demand planning with the help of numerous statistical models.
•Process industry is characterized by the presence of items, which have both Dependent and Independent demand. Managing production of those items is a big challenge.
•Quality at source is extremely important. ERP can help in this regard by making integrated sophisticated quality management modules, which monitor quality by use of control plans in purchasing and manufacturing.
•There is a strong requirement for a comprehensive 'yield monitoring system'. Here, the use of ERP becomes very effective since, business application can perform online yield monitoring with drill down facilities to quickly diagnose causes of variances (like root cause of low yield and scenario creation for identifying the right improvement initiatives).
•The completion of new product development projects may take years. The ability of business applications to help in concurrent engineering and efficient project management will not only help to crash the development time but will also help closely monitoring such initiatives.
•Being asset intensive, process industries are in great need of business applications, which will help in incorporating modern maintenance management techniques. This will increase the uptime of equipments while increasing the overall health of the machineries.
•From the delivery side they are normally characterized by an extensive distribution system such as having many depots, dealers etc. The new generation business applications can influence the management of stock at these stock points by minimizing stock outs and reducing the overall inventory levels. Sometimes, the stocks in the distribution network are a cause of considerable worry for the organizations. Managing the inbound and outbound logistics becomes a key challenge.
Eresource ERP is equipped with suitable modules to meet all the challenges faced by process industry sector. Eresource ERP meets its customers' need by providing cost-effective solutions without any compromise on quality, performance and functionality.
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TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
+91 22 25827692
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+91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
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PROCESS industry sector such as Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Fertilizers, Pesticides and others are faced with new challenges and opportunities as they strive to keep pace with the rapid changes taking place worldwide in the Information Technology field.
Here are some of the challenges faced by process industry sector:
•The process of forecasting for these industries are quite complex as the same depends on season, market segment, brand etc. There is a strong requirement from the sophisticated forecasting system from the business application, which will be able to perform demand planning with the help of numerous statistical models.
•Process industry is characterized by the presence of items, which have both Dependent and Independent demand. Managing production of those items is a big challenge.
•Quality at source is extremely important. ERP can help in this regard by making integrated sophisticated quality management modules, which monitor quality by use of control plans in purchasing and manufacturing.
•There is a strong requirement for a comprehensive 'yield monitoring system'. Here, the use of ERP becomes very effective since, business application can perform online yield monitoring with drill down facilities to quickly diagnose causes of variances (like root cause of low yield and scenario creation for identifying the right improvement initiatives).
•The completion of new product development projects may take years. The ability of business applications to help in concurrent engineering and efficient project management will not only help to crash the development time but will also help closely monitoring such initiatives.
•Being asset intensive, process industries are in great need of business applications, which will help in incorporating modern maintenance management techniques. This will increase the uptime of equipments while increasing the overall health of the machineries.
•From the delivery side they are normally characterized by an extensive distribution system such as having many depots, dealers etc. The new generation business applications can influence the management of stock at these stock points by minimizing stock outs and reducing the overall inventory levels. Sometimes, the stocks in the distribution network are a cause of considerable worry for the organizations. Managing the inbound and outbound logistics becomes a key challenge.
Eresource ERP is equipped with suitable modules to meet all the challenges faced by process industry sector. Eresource ERP meets its customers' need by providing cost-effective solutions without any compromise on quality, performance and functionality.
For more information kindly visit :
Or Contact us at:
TMA House, 1st Floor,
Road No 16, Plot No. 6,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane (West) 400 604, Maharashtra
+91 22 25827692
+91 22 25828775
+91 22 65130234
+91 22 41118000 / 8049 (50 lines)
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ERP Adoption for SMEs; know why this is the right time
In today’s business world Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) play a vital and pervasive role. Most of the Enterprise Resource Plannin...